
Restricting Freedoms

I am supposed to be doing something.  Right?  That's what people say.  We are all on some sort of path.  It's nighttime on my path, though, and I'm confused on which way to go.  Like the trees have cloaked me, and the stars are no where to be found.  I'm just standing in the darkness, falling, but I can't move.  The longer I stay here, the harder it is for me to catch my breath.  To breathe in and relax in the moment, at any moment.  There's a constant tugging at my subconscious making me feel unfulfilled.

I want to do something meaningful.

But meaningful is subjective.

How do I find my meaningful?

I feel held back by money.  By "responsibilities."  By contracts.  

It's those social norms that keep me from living the life I would if I didn't have a house to rent or bills to pay. 

... They say we're free.  

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