
Takin' a page outta Robert Frost's book...

Today, my best friend and I were headed to (often crowded) Piedmont Park for a quick trip around the lake that we've walked around too many times to count.  On our way, though, we drove past The Morningside Nature Preserve off of Lenox Rd.  With a quick flick of the blinker and a split second change of plans, we quickly discovered our newest favorite stomping ground. 

The steep, yet short hills we gradually conquered lead us beneath the power lines and eventually to a stunning far-off view of the downtown Atlanta skyline.  After crossing the valley beneath the power lines (having ventured deeper into the grass for an even better view.. don't let the shrubbery bewilder you.), we discovered an extensive path through a wooded area.  Aside from the apartments in the distance, through the trees, I felt very far from the city surrounding us.

We came across several people walking their dogs.  Or their dogs were walking them, rather.  The dogs greeted us off of leashes, with panting tongues.  (And while, personally, it does not bother me as long as I'm allowed to pet the fur balls, I have been informed this is not customary according to park regulations...)
At the site of two girls hiking, sans dogs, one bearded and bundled dog walker exclaimed, "What are you doing out here?  It's too cold!"  

 I'm hoping now that the forty degree weather was the only thing keeping the crowds from this peaceful nature preserve.  I just find it so much more intriguing to leap across rocks and feel the burn in my thighs pulling my legs uphill.  On real mud and grass and leaves.  No concrete.  Only in the most necessary areas is the Morningside park accommodated with steps and a wooden pathway.  Otherwise, it's good ol' hiking all the way around. 

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