
Just Sitting

I walked to Starbucks this afternoon to get some research and writing done for something that actually has a deadline, but here I sit; facing down, yet another blog entry. The sun is out, but it's no more than 45 degrees outside and I am perched up in a wooden chair on the very small patio of a coffee shop in Atlanta.  The breeze is a nice contradiction to the warm sun beating down on the sleeve of my hoodie.  

I hear a woman behind me say, "I don't know how they make lollipops."  When I turn to see who may have posed such a question, I see a very short woman in sunglasses and a hat holding the hand of an even tinier little boy, capped with a knitted beanie and bending over in the middle of the road playing with his shoe.  He gazes up at her, one hand on his shoe, one in her own hand, and she begins theorizing the different ways in which the stick gets inside the lollipop.  

The only other couple braving the less than ideal temperatures seated to my right are discussing the lack of creativity in a world of constant motion.  She's teaching him, it seems.  She speaks.  He asks questions.  She speaks, again.  She tells him that writers, photographers, painters and creators, in general, can do best to go to a place and sit.  Her advice: the bar you drive by and wonder about, a random city bench, or even just starting a conversation you have always wanted to with a person you love, go there and breathe it all in.  I liked her advice.  Therefore, I started writing.  

The traffic is moving all around me and it's ironic, to me, after being in a tourist town all summer.  The woman was right.  Everyone is in perpetual motion around here.  Going somewhere, on the phone with someone, simultaneously sending a text message and making dinner plans.  We don't just stop and take a breath enough.  

Relish in the stand still traffic that gives you an opportunity to be alone with your thoughts.
Walk sometimes.  If somewhere is close enough, just walk.  You'll surprise yourself at what you'll notice at a slower pace.
Focus.  If you're reading a book or a magazine or following a recipe or just listening to a friend's story.  Live in that moment.  In each moment.  Let your mind be transfixed on the reality before your eyes and be thankful for every minute of it.

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