

Throughout my years of customer service and now bartending, I've grown quite accustomed to striking up conversations with people.  Some days, I feel like the stars are aligned or something, because I come into contact with some of the most inspiring people.  The world is not full of people who will react to my print journalism degree with scoffs and remarks like, "So, you don't want to make any money."

When my passion for of journalism sparked, it wasn't about the money.  I wanted the experience.  The opportunity to be the one asking the questions in the stories I watched on television.  I guess I just wanted to be the one digging up the grub.

Point being, I met someone today who tipped me off to the art gallery just around the corner from my work.  Naturally, I began talking with him about his art career and he was generous enough to invite me to the next opening.  I'm super stoked to attend the artist Sammy Peters' exhibition at the Alan Avery Art Company; Atlanta's oldest, around since 1981.

I also could not end this without giving some props to Susan Davidoff for the beautiful works spawned from nature itself.  I need her work on my wall.  There's something about the rawness combined with her choice of colors reminds me that nature is the most complex and unique form of beauty.

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