The first cup of coffee is an essential part of the day for some people, and the satisfaction of finally feeling awake after groggily throwing on something to wear and (in my case) making it to school and through an entire class without collapsing into a deep slumber is invigorating and unparalleled. Wrapping your fingers around the little cardboard coozie snuggled up against that paper cup handed to you by a smiling and already caffeinated barista is like jeans straight
out of the dryer in the winter time. Although the buttons burn your sides, the warmth is all-encompassing much the same as a good pull of hot coffee.
Coffee has gotten me through many an all-nighter and too many early morning classes to count. Coffee is my companion on the drowsy journey departing dreamland and often the barrier keeping me from involuntarily drifting off to humble quiescence in times of necessary alertness.
So here's to coffee.
"Given enough coffee, I could rule the world." -Author Unknown
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