
Monsters Amongst Us

I have dueling emotions.  I contradict myself.  My propensity for adventure and reckless abandon are only shadowed by the most gut wrenching, internal apprehension.  Most of all, I am doubtful.

In high school, after reading The Scarlet Letter, each of us had to look within ourselves to create our own scarlet letter to wear.  I learned about myself that afternoon.  I remember getting home from school and scouring the thesaurus for the perfect word to describe my most disheartening quality.

My letter was 'P'.  Pessimistic.

When looking in on the lives of others, I often find it incredibly easy to find an optimistic point of view.     Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for the evaluations I make for my own life.  When I think of a dream, it's immediately squashed by the rapacious animal that festers inside of me, clouding the perceptions I have of myself.  It wants to keep me hidden, reminding me of the dangers of exposing myself.  It's greatest enemy is vulnerability.

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