

I would be lying if I said I was not inspired by new year resolutions.  While the little devil on my shoulder taunts my hopes with forgotten resolutions or failed attempts, I can't help but contrive new goals to reach for on New Year's Day.

Last night we started a new tradition.  I read that in Russia, people write down a wish on a piece of paper, burn it, toss the ashes in a glass of champagne and down it before 12:01 am.

So, we did it.  It was elating for me.  To sip away my wishes with dreams of them coming true.

This will be my year of adventure.
Of exploration;
of self, of the world, of humanity.
A year of travels.
A year of change.
A year to live.

Not a year of wishing I exercised more or made more money.  A year to experience.  To remember.
To really live.


  1. Great post! Makes me think of actually living instead of wishing I did this or that. thank you for the inspiration.

  2. That is very kind of you. Thank you! :) I wish that we could all lose some of those worldly inhibitions and responsibilities. Just enjoy our time here just a little more. Pass it on!


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