
Mama always told me to share...

Because, like I said in my last post, I'm obsessed with artist Lora Zombie.  I have now found another archive on her tumblr to sift through.  I haven't found a single painting I wouldn't put on my wall.  She has some wild blue hair, too, which I love.  I especially like the paintings that look like childish self portraits; little girl with blue hair..

I also have to share this artist I knocked into courtesy of someone I follow on Google+.  I couldn't help but click on the video for one Anais Mitchell's song 'Young Man In America': 
1. because that name, Anais, I've never heard it before and I love it
2. because she's quite adorable, too.  

Lucky I did.  I have a lot of catching up to do on this sweet voice.  According to her site's discography, her first album was released in 2004.  She's not perfect and that's why I like it so much.  I like my music a little raw.  Her voice is unbelievable, though, so I cannot wait to listen to the five full-length albums. There's one EP in there, too.  
Sounds like a road trip soundtrack to me!!

From another new obsession: A Well Traveled Woman Tumblr

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