
Music To My Ears

In preparation for Music Midtown, (!!!!!!!!) I have compiled quite the playlist comprising of all of the artists who will be performing.  I hadn't heard of this ZZ Ward character before, so I was super excited when I discovered how much I like her music.  She's got a quality to her voice that's reminiscent of Adele, but I was more impressed by the diversity of her music.   If you have a chance, and love a powerful female singer as much as I do. . . definitely check out Til The Casket Drops.  I can't get enough.

When I listened to Cryin' Wolf, I couldn't have been more excited to hear Kendrick Lamar on the track, too.  Here's to hoping he makes it out on stage with her at the show!
 (He's performing, too!!! Can you tell I'm excited?)

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